We are committed to sourcing our raw materials and products responsibly while having a positive impact on the countries and communities we source from. Through the Coffee Fund we invest in farm level programs in the coffee communities we source from, and we collaborate with our supply chain partners to build long term relations and improve farmer livelihood, social equity and thriving ecosystems.

We focus on building long-term relations with farmers and suppliers:

  • All Pelican Rouge branded coffee from our roaster is certified by 2023
  • >2500 farmer families directly supported through the Coffee fund by 2025
  • All suppliers comply with the principles of the Selecta Supplier Code of Conduct by 2025

Selecta Coffee Fund

The Selecta Coffee Fund (SCF) contributes to sustainability initiatives across our value chain, with a focus on the development of coffee farmers, their families and communities in coffee growing areas around the world. Through the SCF impact areas, we aim to improve the livelihoods of coffee farmers, foster social equity and maintain thriving ecosystems.

Responsible coffee sourcing

More than 50% of our coffees is certified by Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance and Organic sustainability schemes. All our Pelican Rouge branded coffee is certified: Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance and/or Organic.
